The Time of Difficulty is Now (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

I don’t know about you but I am extremely challenged by the passage. As I have been studying it and delving into God’s word, I am finding these words describe me more and more. As we will find, and this is by no means any kind of excuse from me and for my wrong doing, it is so easy to fall into the trap of the fake niceties that evil brings.

November the 18th, 1916, saw one of the bloodiest battles during the First World War. A short five-month battle where the British and French empires fought the German Empire, causing the death of 1 200 000 soldiers on both sides of the conflict, of which 58 000 British soldiers lost their lives on the first day alone, July 1st. 100 years later, we remember the 38 million casualties who either lost their lives or were declared MIA during WW1. Following the atrocities of this conflict that involved a large portion of the world’s countries, it was believed to be one of the darkest moments in human history. That was, until September the 1st 1939, when the Allied Forces declared war upon Nazi Germany. A war that caused nearly 85 million deaths, instigated by a misinterpretation of some religious concept; ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people.

The Second World War is now, one of the most deadly and bloodiest battles in modern human history in terms of casualties and it is quite right that we should continue to remember the sacrifices of the men and women who chose to give up everything for a peaceful future.

As you may or may not know, this past week has been anti-bullying week. I have had the pleasure of delivering assemblies to all year groups in the academy about the misery that comes with bullying, having been seriously bullied as a child, myself. The statistics are horrifying to say the least. 1.5 million children were bullied last year alone in the UK, 150 000 of them were bullied every day and 33% of the them resulted in having suicidal thoughts, with a smaller percentage actually doing it. As horrifying as these statistics are, are they really that surprising? Do they not reflect human history going back as far as Cain and Able in Genesis 4? One person believes they are superior to another and stamps on them, sometimes leading to the death of that other person, or in the case of the Second World War, the superior complex of one person led to the deaths of 85 million others.

Paul, in his second letter to Timothy is quite clear that all Christians must understand that irrespective of the almost universal rejection of God’s ways we must continue to be faithful to what the Gospel is about. If you turn with me to the passage, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, you will see there are four sections we can briefly explore:

1: The cause of the turmoil of these last days (vv1-2a)
2: The moral conduct of the evil (vv2-4)
3: The religious observance of the evil (v5)
4: The evangelism of the evil (vv6-9)

The cause of the turmoil of these last days (vv1-2a)

Verse 1
Paul starts this paragraph with a stark reminder of where we are, or rather when we are. These are the last days, so called because they are the times between the first and second coming of the Jesus Christ. Paul wants Timothy to know that this is the time when things will undoubtedly get worse. Christians were already being persecuted by Nero and other leaders, but for Timothy and those he is pastor to in Ephesus, Paul wants them to be ready.

1 Timothy 4:1-5
Here, Timothy has already been told to prepare for those who will abandon the faith in favour of false teachings, and they themselves will start preaching these falsities; forbidding marriage, control over diets, etc., etc. Paul wants Timothy to stay strong against this inevitable outcome of human desire to be their own god. And in our first verse tonight, Paul reminds Timothy that things will only get worse.

As you are aware, the world sits on a precipice of terrorism. British citizens are considered high targets for the IS and other Muslim Extremist Groups.  Christians worldwide are being persecuted for their faith, imprisoned or killed just for what they believe. British soldiers are still being killed on foreign soil because of this extremist behaviour; an almost attempt at ethnic cleansing of Christians, if you will. Even Muslims who are of no connection to the extremist groups are being targeted for their beliefs. Suicide bombers or shooters around the globe targeting unsuspecting people just to make a point. Cyber-attacks from across the globe, with the intent of stealing sensitive information from governments for sinister reasons. Citizens in Russia fearing for their lives because their government believes the US are about to conduct an all-out nuclear strike for their part in the Syrian war. By all indications, the world has gone mad.

But we must be under no illusion there is only one sinister figure behind all this evil we see, behind the bullies, behind the false teachings, behind self-centred desires, behind the world’s atrocities, the genocides, the so-called ethnic cleansings and 2 Timothy 2:26 identifies who that figure is: the devil!
In the grand scheme of things, these evil uprisings are just a passing phase, however, for us who are still here they will come and go. With the advent of new, more sophisticated technology and more heightened intelligence the uprisings will increase in frequency the closer we get to Christ’s return. Only then will they stop.

Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7-9 about the end of the age? Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all nations because of me.

We must understand, it is because of man’s love for themselves, their self-centredness that these things will always happen. As long as men and women can make a choice, the Devil will appear to have the upper hand.

And so, before we proceed further, we must be clear on this:

We live in perilous times as foretold by Jesus himself. These terrible times are the result of evil people who love themselves and so, we must be prepared.

The moral conduct of the evil (vv2-4)

Paul writes a list of 18 characteristics of these evil doers and it forms a chiastic pattern.

The fundamental problem of people who turn from God and conduct evil is that their love is directed self-ward as opposed to God-ward. Instead of being first and foremost lovers of God, they are first and foremost, lovers of self, lovers of money (v2) and lovers of pleasure (v4).

Paul goes onto name the following words: boastful, proud, abusive (v2) and they reflect an enlarged meaning of self-love. People who love themselves best are boastful of what they do, self-proud to the point of being arrogant and abusive because inevitably those who have an exaggerated opinion of themselves look down with contempt upon others and speak evil of or do evil to them. The linked words in verse 4 are treacherous, a word reserved for Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus; rash or reckless, entirely thoughtless in word and deed and completely self-centred; conceited they have an over-inflated self-importance.

The next group of words in the chiastic structure starting in v2 reflect how the behaviour of the evil man or woman negates the goodness of God’s common grace; disobedience to parents, ungratefulness, unholy, without love and unforgiving and the words linked to these at the end of verse 3: without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good. These people who turn from God, turn away from the gifts of common grace that he bestows upon us.

This leaves the final central word which ties all the 17 other phrases together; the word slanderous in verse three. The Latin for this word is diaboloi which has been taken from the Greek word diabolos meaning devil. Although, Paul is not necessarily referring to the Devil here, it serves as a stark reminder to us that the Devil, the Slanderer, the Prince of Lies is central to all that is evil. That in these last days, the birthing pains are the Devil’s ploy to turn as many humans away from God as possible. It will become increasingly easier for the Devil to persuade men and women to become devilish people that is, people of selfish desires and self-importance without a care in the world or for their eternal soul.

In an age where internet pornography, gambling, films of sexual immorality, social media and the like are considered excellent forms of entertainment. In a time when people must consider the future and stock pile possessions and finances or the workaholic who believes success is achieving that company promotion. When it has become socially and legally acceptable to water-down God’s law and scriptures, leading to Christian business owners being sued for refusing to publicise same-sex marriage, Christian student unions and youth programs being scrutinised for extremism, government policies that mean schools no longer need to have collective worship or even RE lessons or even the Word of God being removed from legal court rooms for fear of insulting other religions. It has never been easier to fall into the trap of Satan’s slanderous and evil ways.

The answer is the gospel! Only the gospel can bring a radical and sufficient solution to this deep-rooted problem. Only the gospel promises a new birth or a new creation. Only Christ, through his death and resurrection can turn you inside out; from self to unself, a real reorientation of mind and conduct and which makes us fundamentally God-centred and not self-centred.

The religious observance of the evil (v5)

We are told to avoid those who appear to be godly, but deny God’s power. They claim to be Christians of high moral standing, yet teach falsities. Their message may initially be Bible-centred, but they include small subtle differences which negate the Gospel. Perhaps they are the ones who slowly introduce traditions or rituals within the church, or encourage their members to wear a certain style of clothing, or eat a particular type of food or prevent them from drinking a certain type of drink. Whatever changes they introduce, however innocent and safe they appear, if they are not in the Word of God, then they are not the Word of God. They are false teachings and as such cannot and will not allow you to walk with Christ. They prevent the very nature of a God-centred fellowship and encourage the very evil self-centred relationship instigated by Satan, himself.

True religion combines form and power. It is not external form without power, nor is it an emphasis of moral power without external forms. It combines them. It fosters worship which is essentially ‘spiritual’, arising from the heart but which expresses itself through public, corporate services, and which also issues in moral behaviour.

If it did not combine both external form and internal spirituality, the whole process would be valueless and an abomination to our Lord.

Please note here, Paul is not advocating that we cease all contact with these type of people, to do so would be a travesty and go against everything Christ stood for. Even Jesus was the friend of publicans and sinners. Rather, Paul is saying we must be on our guard against these Religious sinners who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Be firm in the scriptures, never deviate from them and focus always on God.

The evangelism of the evil (vv6-9)

As if having people in your church, perhaps sit next to you week in week out who profess to be Christians, yet lead a life that is described in the verses 2-4 isn’t bad enough, Paul goes on to say that these people will openly evangelise their beliefs to the point where others will start to accept their message over and above the Scriptures. They may not be doing so maliciously, you must understand, they could be doing it in all innocence, well in their mind at least, but if they are saying things or doing things that are not part of God’s word, they are not living God’s word. Therefore, you must not conform to their way.

That being said, there are some who are going out of their way to ensure their false teachings are spread. They prey on the ‘weak’, the new Christian, a newcomer to the church or perhaps someone who doesn’t read their Bible regularly. They will be a good speaker, will have a way with words, they will have the skill of a door-to-door salesman, persuasion through well-planted words. They will form cliques in churches; small groups of people who exclude others for one reason or another, and sometimes when these cliques have been well-established the members don’t even realise they are excluding others until it is too late. The members of these groups may not even realise they are living false gospel teachings. They may be reading the bible and delving into the word, but are the actions of the groups really God-centred? Do they really live all of the gospel?

This is not a new thing. Even Article 26 of the 39 Articles of Religion established in 1571 by the Church of England states: Although in the visible church the evil be ever mingled with the good, and sometimes the evil have chief authority in the Ministration of the Word and Sacraments, yet forasmuch as they do not the same in their own name, but in Christ’s, and do minister by his commission and authority, we may use their Ministry, both in hearing the Word of God, and in the receiving the Sacraments.

My friends, to think that evil cannot enter the Church is naïve. Where ever men and women join together, so Satan can also, even in the worship of God our Father. As article 26 states, forasmuch as they do not the same in their own name, but in Christ’s, as long as Christ is the focus, as long as everything we do is Christ-centred, for Christ’s sake and not for self-glorification, the Gospel has purpose in our lives. At that very moment we start changing it, even by a little, we negate the gospel and Christ would have died for nothing, Galatians 2:21.

So what do we make of all this?

We know that Satan is at the heart of all the evil in the world. We know that men and women will conform to this world by being persuaded by the Devil. We know that Satan will infiltrate our ranks within the Church, he will try and change what we believe, he will try and persuade us like he did Eve in Eden. He will conquer through division within our churches. He will stop at nothing to win you and your focus away from God. He already has a strong hold on our society, he has created a so-called permissive society, which genially tolerates every conceivable deviation from Christian standards of righteousness and truth and he has made a start in our church too.

So what are we going to do about it?

2 Timothy 3:10-15

Stand firm in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

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