Saturday, 7 November 2015

Hold On To Your Hope (Titus 1:1-4)

Titus 1:1-4
Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began and at the proper time manifested in his word through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Saviour; To Titus, my true child in a common faith: Grace and peace from God the father and Christ Jesus our Saviour.

We live in a world where society rules. Society dictates how we live, what we read or watch, what we wear and in some cases, what we believe in. We are constantly being bombarded with temptations that lure us away from God. The use of key words and images appeal to our desires and make us believe we cannot do without them. How are we, as Christians, meant to live in such a society? How can we possibly resist a society so powerful?

The apostle Paul opens this letter with a long and detailed commentary of his apostleship. Given the general topic of the letter to Titus, one can imagine he is ensuring any reader that he has authority to write such things, however, Paul is also telling us why he preaches and in so doing explains what we should do.

Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ identifies three characteristics of God's people.


... faith of God's elect

God's people are believers in God. They have faith in Jesus Christ his son. This is a characteristic we must work on daily, for if we don't the world's influences will subject us to sin, time and time again. We must have faith to remain strong for it is Christ's strength that helps us resist temptation. It is for this reason, Paul preaches ... for the sake of the faith of God's elect ...

Paul understands the importance of preaching the Gospel. This is a fantastic tool to guard yourselves against Satan. It serves to remind us of the power and love of God made evident through the death of Jesus, his son.

Therefore, Paul preaches for the sake of their faith.


... knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness

Faith and knowledge belong together. It is those who knows God's name who put their faith in him. Their knowledge of God's name or revealed character is the basis of their faith. They trust him because they know he is trustworthy. Paul speaks of a knowledge of the truth, a knowledge that can grow as you read and interact with the scriptures. Indeed, as you delve deeper and deeper into the word, you become more godly. This is an essential feature of truth and is the perfect test of authenticity - if it comes from God, it must lead to God!

Therefore, Paul preaches to help us grow in our knowledge of God.


... hope of eternal life

God's people have a hope that is sure and steadfast (Hebrews 6:19). Our Christian hope is such a firm foundation of our Christian life that our faith and our knowledge of the truth may be described as resting on it.

How can we be so sure of this hope? Simply because God has given a threefold guarantee of eternal life.

First: God ... promised before the ages began. Eternal life is part of his eternal purpose for his people. It is the reward for having faith in God and his Christ, Jesus.

Second: He is a God who never lies. We lie all the time. We lie without thinking about lying. We lie to save face. We are notorious liars, but God does not lie! ... he cannot deny himself (2 Timothy 2:19) and ... it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18).

Third: This same trustworthy God who made this promise of eternal life has at the proper time manifested in his word through the preaching with which [Paul has] been entrusted by the command of God our Saviour.

The promise, the character and the gospel of God combine together to guarantee this promise of eternal life. God first promised eternal life before time began, he revealed the promise to the world in his time (the proper time) through the Gospel and he will fulfil it when time comes to an end.

Therefore, Paul preaches to remind us of God's promise until it is fulfilled, as (if you are like me) we tend to forget easily!

So, what should we do?

We must preach the Gospel to ourselves everyday to grow in knowledge of the truth and faith, only then can we hold onto the hope of eternal life.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Be Obedient! (Philemon v21-25)

Source: Uncompromising!

The apostle Paul, currently sitting in prison for preaching the Gospel of Christ has written a letter to Philemon, a past convert through Paul with one request: 'reconsider how you treat Onesimus, your slave, as he has also heard the Gospel of Christ and his life has been changed, just as yours has been'.

Verse 21-22
Confident of your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say. At the same time, prepare a guest room for me, for I am hoping that through your prayers I will be graciously given to you. 

Paul is confident that Philemon will accept his proposal and treat Onesimus differently to just being a slave. There is no indication that Paul wishes for him to be set completely free, however, he may hint towards that when he says, 'for I am hoping that through your prayers I will be graciously given to you'. Knowing Paul is currently in prison and referring to the likely event of his freedom, Philemon may be moved to have compassion upon Onesimus and set him free from his 'imprisonment' (i.e. slavery). Although Paul uses the word, 'obedience', he is not expecting obedience out of authority or compulsion. Instead, Paul emphasizes Philemon's compassion and generosity and showing that he knows with 100% confidence that Philemon will do everything within his power to follow the guidance.

He may be requesting Philemon to pray for his release to freedom or maybe identifying he knows he has been praying with those in his house-church. Either way, Paul leans on that spiritual act by asking Philemon to 'prepare a guest room'. Paul knows he will be released. He doesn't just think it will happen, he expects it to happen. That is his hope!

Of course, he does not want to leave prison for the sake of his own freedom, more that he wishes to spend some time with his new convert, Onesimus and his spiritual brother, Philemon in his house-church (I will be graciously given to you). That being said, he clearly leans on God's grace for any chance of freedom never doubting it will happen.

Verse 23-25
Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends greetings to you, and so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

The ending of the letter is characteristic of Paul, sending greeting of those close to him, but finishing with a prayer for Philemon's spiritual journey ('The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit'), surely a reminder to Philemon (and his church) of God's grace setting them free from the slavery of sin.

Philemon owned slaves, but, he was a slave himself; a slave to sin. Just like you and me, he was a slave to his worldly passions and natural desires.

He heard the Gospel of Christ through Paul, the apostle and discovered that Christ had set him free from slavery to sin. His life was changed. He was made perfect in Christ as long as he remained obedient to God.

Now Onesimus, a slave of Philemon's has done wrong by running away. He too was a slave to sin. His heart was governed by worldly passions and natural desires, just like Philemon.

Paul, the same apostle who led the conversion of Philemon, shares the Gospel with Onesimus and declares him free by the blood of Christ. He too is changed. He has also been made perfect in Christ so long as he remains obedient to God.

Two people who are complete opposites in their status in society; one wealthy, one a slave have the same story!

Two extremes of people; two different worlds of living; the wealthy and the poor; the educated and not so educated; the free owner of slaves and the slave that is owned - hear the same Gospel message which results in their life being changed.

The request is simple: just believe, obey Christ and be effective in your faith.

It does not matter who we are, whether we're a wealthy employer or an employee scraping by on minimum wage, an owner of a mansion or someone without a home or if we're begging for our next meal or have everything we want and more, no matter what position in society we place ourselves - we are all slaves to sin.

The good news is, however, Christ ignores our status in society, he is not interested in our achievements or how much wealth we have acquired. He is only interested in our spiritual souls.

So then, when it comes down to it, with all the barriers stripped away, the only important consideration is Christ: he alone is the defining factor of whether we are saved or not. He alone has the power to change our lives. He alone sets us free from the bondage of sin. He restores life, makes us one with God and in him, we are adopted sons of God.

All we need do is simple: just believe, obey Christ and be effective in our faith!

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Your Debts Have Been Paid In Full. (Philemon v17-20)

So, the apostle Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus (v1) is contending the faith. His message is simple, just believe. He has already told Philemon to praise God through Jesus Christ, remember his new outlook on life and to be effective, now he turns to the soul purpose of the letter, Onesimus.

Verse 17
So if you consider me your partner, receive him as you would receive me. 

'my partner': Paul counts Philemon as a colleague in Christ and as such, instructs him to 'receive [Onesimus] as you would receive me'. The Gospel-powered event that caused Philemon to be changed automatically makes him a brother in Christ Jesus and now, Philemon hears Onesimus has experienced the very same life-changing power of the Gospel.

Verse 18-19
If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge that to my account. I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it - to say nothing of your owing me even your own self. 

Any debt due Philemon as a result of Onesimus' behaviour is to be credited to Paul's account and must be completely wiped clean from Onesimus' ledger. Paul testifies 'I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it', assuring Philemon any debt will be paid in full by Paul. However, Paul reminds the slave owner, that he, himself, is indebted to the apostle for being introduced to the Gospel, in fact, owes 'even [his] own self': his spiritual life is indebted to Paul because through him he was converted. This is a far greater debt than anything Onesimus owes Philemon.

Verse 20
Yes, brother, I want some benefit from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in Christ.

And so, Paul reiterates his request of Philemon by assuming he will follow his advice. 'I want some benefit from you in the Lord', it is clear Paul wants Philemon to 'obey' him, but by his own free choice. He wants Philemon to want to help Onesimus and in doing so, not only will he become more effective in his faith, he will 'refresh [Paul's] heart in Christ'.

Onesimus is free from the bondage of sin, he is no longer a slave to sin, he has been set free by the blood of Christ Jesus, just as Philemon has been. The same Gospel message that Philemon, the master of slaves heard that brought about his changed life was also heard by Onesimus, the slave. Therefore, by that very fact, if Philemon is to accept he is saved and now a prisoner of the Gospel (just as Paul is quite literally!), he must also accept Onesimus' new status as a Christian brother.

Paul models the transforming love of the Gospel, he takes its very essence and shows Philemon what it means to be effective in his faith. He declares he will repay all debts due to Philemon as a result of what Onesimus has done. In return, Philemon must declare Onesimus' ledger clean. This is the Gospel message!

Christ Jesus has ultimately repaid our debts, with his very life! In return, he declares our ledgers clean. Just as Philemon is indebted to Paul, we are indebted to Christ 'even [our] own self!

Because Christ died with our sin (i.e. our debt to God), we are no longer slaves to sin, but prisoners of God's grace.


Saturday, 9 May 2015

Be changed! (Philemon v8-16)

Last time, we discovered that Paul was instructing Philemon, master of slaves, convert to Christianity and someone who shares the Gospel in his house to be more effective. We were reminded that we need to let Christ have ALL our life and not just the little bits we want him having. Not leaving anything to chances, Paul goes on to explain how Philemon can be more effective in his spiritual life, according to the Gospel.

Verse 8-9
Accordingly, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do what is required, yet for love's sake I prefer to appeal to you - I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner also for Christ Jesus ...

Paul lets Philemon know that he has the authority, tenacity and boldness to command him to follow his instruction, but if he did, that would would defeat the purpose. Paul did not want Philemon to follow his instruction by compulsion, he wanted him to want to follow the instruction, because it is the loving thing to do 'yet for love's sake'. Again, Paul reminds Philemon that he is a prisoner for the sake of the Gospel, together with verse 1, 'Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus' surely suggests that Paul is appealing to Philemon's position as Master of slaves, someone who can govern the freedom of slaves (who live a life similar to prisoners - their freedom is not their own!). Not only that, this plea to which Paul is about to give comes with it a powerful standing. Paul is partaking in the suffering of Christ (as a prisoner for preaching the Gospel) right now and is an ambassador 'an old man' for the Gospel. These, together with Philemon's new status as 'prisoner of grace' builds a picture of similarity that would grasp Philemon's attention.

verse 10-12
... I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus whose father I became in my imprisonment. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he is indeed useful to you and me. I am sending him back to you, sending my very heart.

Here, we have Paul's plea on behalf of Onesimus, the runaway slave belonging to Philemon. Paul is doing the right thing by Roman law, returning what belongs to Philemon (i.e. a slave) and in doing so, appealing to him that he chooses to set him free. Paul informs Philemon that he has become Onesimus' spiritual father through sharing of the gospel and that he is so dear to him that Paul calls him, [his] 'very heart'. It is clear that Onesimus was originally 'useless' to Philemon. The reasons as to why are unknown, however I believe the point here is that Onesimus has undergone a life-changing event, has a new outlook in life, so powerful that his life is completely changed from what he was, to becoming 'useful to you and me'. Paul petitions Philemon on the basis that this life-changing event also happened in him, and, indeed, to Paul himself (i.e. on the road to Damascus - Acts 9). The fact that Onesimus has been helping Paul is evidence of this life-transformation.

Verse 13-14
I would have been glad to keep him with me, in order that he might serve me on your behalf during my imprisonment for the gospel, but I preferred to do nothing without your consent in order that your goodness might not be by compulsion but of your own accord.

Paul emphasizes that he feels strongly about Onesimus and his life-changing event, but given that he belongs to Philemon, Paul wants to allow Philemon to make a free choice 'for love's sake' and not because he feels compelled to. He wants to encourage Philemon in his faith, despite the letter being about Onesimus. Even now, whilst Paul experiences 'imprisonment for the gospel' does he show 'fatherly' interest in Philemon's (a former convert of Paul's) faith and righteous path. He does not want him to feel forced to obey Paul, although Paul is 'bold enough in Christ to command' him.

Verse 15-16
For this perhaps is why he was parted from you for a while, that you might have him back forever, no longer as a bondservant but more than a bondservant, as a beloved brother - especially to me, but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.

Paul is perhaps pointing towards divine intervention on the part of Onesimus' situation 'For this perhaps is why he was parted from you', suggesting that God has used the bad experience (i.e. Onesimus running away) to bring about a good experience (i.e. the conversion of Onesimus). It is clear, however, that Onesimus' life has changed and that he is no longer to be considered a slave 'more than a bondservant' by Philemon.  Notice, however, Paul is not suggesting that Philemon should release Onesimus from his position, and not just to treat him as a brother in Christ, but more than that 'a beloved brother ... in the flesh and in the Lord'. Paul allows Philemon to deal with his own household and 'property'. The life-changing event brought about by Christ will not affect your position in society, but your heart and out-look in life.

So, what would you do in the exact same position as Philemon? Would you ignore the strong hint from Paul? Would you carry on as you did before, treating your slave as a slave and nothing but a slave, despite them having become a Christian? OK, let me try and put this in a more modern way ...

Suppose you were an employer and you have lots of employees. You created your company from scratch and appointed every employee in every position. Then one day, one of your employees does something wrong and runs away. A short time later, you discover that he has been listening to the very guy you heard some time ago. A person who spoke about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who helped you meet Jesus for the first time and changed your life. The employee returns with a letter that explains your employee is different, better and just like you. The letter urges you to let the employee off the hook, but acknowledges that the decision is yours.

Now, what would you do?

Well, Paul approaches the subject from the inside out. He directs Philemon toward the heart and the love of Christ that is within him.

When Christ enters our heart, he finds a heart that is enslaved to all kinds of sin. He finds a life that is governed by worldly passions and a darkness that empowers it.

He finds a slave.

But, he refuses to leave us that way.

He gives us his heart, his life, his love. We become changed. Paul says that Onesimus has been changed, just as Philemon, himself has been. Therefore, he should treat his former slave as a Christian brother, but more than that, he should choose to treat Onesimus according to his new status in Christ.

When we come face to face with the Father, He chooses to see us as Christ. Christ chose the cross to set us free from the slavery of sin. We are made perfect through Christ. He is in us and we are in him and the Father chooses only to see his perfect child.

Accept Christ today and he'll set you free.

I've been changed I've been newborn
All my life has been rearranged.
What a diff'rence it made
When the Lord came
And stayed in my heart
Oh yes, I've been changed.

by Mosie Lister

Monday, 27 April 2015

Be effective (Philemon v4-7)

Last time, we heard how Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, reminded us that with Jesus we have a new outlook in life. In verse 2, Paul clearly identifies that Philemon's life has changed and is now using his own home as a place of worship for fellow Christians.

We now hear the thanksgivings of Paul, despite his current predicament of imprisonment, he still has a lot to thank God for.

Verse 4-5:
I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints,

As with verse 1, Paul is stating his position, his faith and his determination to contend his faith no matter what life throws him. It is quite pertinent for Paul to declare God to be 'my God' bringing a sense of belonging and of a personal relationship with God and reminding the reader that Paul was important in his conversion. It is likely Paul has had deep discussions with Onesimus (the servant of Philemon - more later) regarding his master and the way he conducts business. Indeed, Paul would have been interested in Philemon's progress as a 'new' Christian since his conversion. Paul was clearly happy and joyous about the 'love and of the faith' that Philemon showed in the way that he lived, (the church in your house v2). Truly a reason to be thankful to God. Normally, Paul puts faith before love, but here, notice how 'your love' comes before 'the faith that you have', this perhaps points towards the topic of the letter, trying to remind the reader about his Christian love when it comes to dealing with the matter at hand.

verse 6:
... and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become more effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.

Paul, once again makes links with Philemon's change of life with him sharing his faith in his home (cf v2), but he acknowledges that Philemon may have some further work to do in order for it to become more effective. He knows that Philemon's faith is active, that much is evident, but Paul wishes to help him make his faith effective, when it comes to the situation with Onesimus. Paul encourages Philemon to show generosity toward Onesimus as he does with those in his congregation, which is a natural outgoing of his faith in Christ. Paul is pointing out here that if Philemon follows through with his generosity he will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the blessings that belong to him in Christ.

Verse 7:
For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.

'my brother'
 clearly Paul counts Philemon as a close colleague, a brother in Christ and this is confirmed when he tells Philemon that he has derived much joy and comfort from [his] love. Here, Paul maybe encouraging his former convert, Philemon, by showing how much he means to him, telling him he is doing great work already referring to the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you. Philemon is spreading the Gospel in his congregation, he is sharing the love of Christ with others and through this action, he is encouraging his congregation which, as the word gets back to Paul, encourages Paul.

This, then, is what the power of the Gospel does for you. It makes your faith active AND effective. Being active in your faith is not sufficient, even the devil and his demons have faith, but your faith must be effective.

From our passage above, it is clear that Paul wishes for Philemon to make that next step in order to receive the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. He wants him to make his faith more than just action. Paul wants Philemon to acknowledge that he needs a deeper relationship with and understanding of Jesus to move forward. His faith must pulsate throughout his whole life, not just as gospel sharer to his congregation. Every aspect of his life must be governed by this faith and this includes the part as master to slaves.

As we will see next time, Paul has a big favour to ask of Philemon and it weighs heavily upon how Philemon conducts his business. Does he live two separate lives, a Christian for the congregation and a master of slaves and never the two meet?

Having reminded Philemon that his life has been changed by the power of the Gospel, Paul points out that he must now act accordingly and grant his wish as a fellow brother in Christ.

But why can't you continue to live the way you did before Christ entered?  Why must your life be completely changed? Why can't you just hold onto the part you enjoyed? Will that really make a difference?

Of course, the love of Christ is all-changing (that is, it changes all, every last bit, all kit and caboodle!). Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you become changed. Your sins are forgiven, you have died to your old life and have become alive in Christ. All your life, every part of it must reflect that, otherwise you have not given yourself completely and not completely giving yourself to Jesus, is not being effective in your faith.

You see, the Gospel that changed Philemon's life speaks of Jesus once and for all dying on a cross to take our punishment for our sin. He died completely. Not a little bit. It wasn't just a little part of him that died that day, it was every part of him. Completely, undoubtedly and undeniably Jesus died!

To die, is to give your all. There's nothing more to give, because you have given your very life. That is what Jesus did for you (and me!). He gave his all so that we don't have to.

So, if he gave his all on the cross, why then, should we only give a part of ours?

Just as Paul urged Philemon to become more effective in his love and faith so that he can have the full blessings of Christ, we too must become more effective in our lives by allowing Christ to have ALL of it. Not just the good bits, the bad bits as well. Warts and all!

Only then, will our faith be active and effective for the sake of Christ.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Get a New Outlook On Life. (Philemon 1-3)

A brief background of Philemon uncovers this to be Paul's shortest letter in the Bible. Although it is addressed specifically to Philemon himself, it is not a personal letter for his eyes only. It is predominantly about Onesimus, a servant belonging to Philemon, which suggests that Philemon was wealthy. The opening verses enlightens us to more information about this wealthy man. On the surface, this letter is very much a character reference for Onesimus, in order for Philemon to accept him back, but, as we delve deeper into the passages, we will see a far greater message being shared.

Verse 1
Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our beloved fellow worker ...

The Apostle Paul introduces himself at the start, to make it clear who has written the letter, perhaps to ensure it is received with the intention it has been sent. Paul has Christian authority over the reader and "is bold enough in Christ to command" (v8) him to follow his instructions. Paul opens most of his letters this way, leading each time with this authority. Also, Paul was an actual prisoner for the sake of Christ (Act 27-28) at the time, this was his first imprisonment in Rome around A.D. 62. No doubt, after 30 years of ministry, Paul would have counted his imprisonment for Christ's sake, as a blessing. "a prisoner for Christ Jesus" also gives the reader hope.  Although Paul is unable to verbally preach the gospel, he is still able to share the gospel through word, thereby giving those who 'look up' to him encouragement to keep to the path.  Timothy was a close companion of Paul who traveled with him and a devout "brother".  Then we get to the intended reader, Philemon.  We know that Philemon was a slave owner (v16), that he probably lived in Colossae and he became a Christian through hearing Paul (v19) and he was considered by Paul as a "beloved fellow worker".

Verse 2
... and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house:"

Apphia is Philemon's wife and it is possible that Archippus is their son (although there is little evidence for either way!), but we do know Paul considers him a "fellow soldier", this is most likely because of the support that he has given Paul in his ministry labours. The "church in your house" suggests that Philemon saw it upon himself to organise a Christian community in his very own home, this may or may not include his servants (nothing suggests either way). This is likely due to his conversion and seeing a need for a congregation to form in Colossae to continue to spread the gospel.

Verse 3
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

This greeting indicates a prayerful concern for Philemon and his congregation that they may fully understand the grace that God gives and his peace through Jesus Christ, his son. This may suggest that Paul wants the congregation to think carefully what he is about to talk about and that everything he says is grounded in the grace and peace of God the Father and through Jesus Christ.

Even at the start of the letter, Paul fully submits to Christ Jesus (v1) admitting that he is a prisoner for Christ Jesus. If anything, this shows Paul's conviction about his faith in Jesus, that he is willing to continue to preach the gospel even if his very life is in danger.  In the first few verses, Paul, once a man who persecuted Christians for following Christ (Acts 8), now openly confesses that he does everything for the sake of Christ (v1).

If anything this should encourage us today, especially if we face persecution.  I don't just mean those who are in fear for their lives, but those who are ridiculed or overlooked because of their faith. Believing in Christ, following Christ, having fellowship with Christ and believing in the truth, the real truth, despite what people say, do or think no matter what temptation is the faith that Paul shows here in these opening words, Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus.  Of course, he was actually in prison, but that was for preaching the gospel of Jesus.

As we will read later, I think this is quite a poignant point Paul is making here.  Opening with the reminder that he is a prisoner, whose freedom is governed by others and then writing a letter to Philemon about a slave who has become a Christian (more on this later).

Paul also gives his thanksgiving to God for his work in Philemon's life. Although the details are sparse, it is definitely clear that Philemon's change is due to the work of Jesus in his life. His life has been radically changed and he, himself (a master of slaves) serves a new Master, our Lord Jesus Christ. As a result of this change, Philemon uses his time, talents, treasures and possessions to minister to others and the sharing of the gospel.

This is what Christ's love does for us; it radically changes our perception of life. He loves us enough to die for us that we might be reunited with God the Father. This very fact is enough to alter anyone's outlook on life.

Do you need a change? A new outlook on life? Look no further.

Jesus is the answer!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Praise God, through Jesus Christ (Jude v24-25)

Source: Hasbro Monopoly

After a letter reminding us to contend the faith because hell's no joke and in a world where false teachers have risen to the highest ranks of our Christian communities, we must Persevere, despite temptation, Jude concludes with an uplifting and encouraging hymn of praise to God.

Verse 24:
"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy ..."

Jude is directing his readers back to what they first believed, the truth!  This verse speaks of Christ.  That he is the one who presents us 'blameless' before God because we are now identified with the character of Christ, we are saved and justified by his blood.  Jude reminds us that whilst we are 'kept for Jesus Christ' (v1), our struggles are his struggles and we must rely upon him for our daily strength.  What he has done for us, surely deserves our 'great joy'!

Verse 25:
"... to the only God, our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen."

There is only One God who has the splendour as bright as the radiance of pure light 'glory'; the position of absolute rule 'majesty'; an ability to carry out his sovereign will 'dominion' and an absolute right to do so 'authority'.  Despite the false teachings, despite those who wrangle their way up through the ranks to persuade others to follow them, Jude ascribes that God saves us 'through Jesus Christ our Lord' and that through him, and him alone, we can praise God.

What a hope!  Through all the darkness and wickedness that exists within our world, God loves us enough to send someone to be our beacon of light, to be our refuge, our fortress, our saviour.  Not just anybody, but his only son, Jesus Christ!

We come to him caked in stinking, filthy sin, worthy only of God's righteous wrath, yet Christ presents us blameless to God because he has taken it all.  Our choices in life determine our path, we cannot choose to go to heaven by our own efforts, that is impossible!  If it were not for God's grace and mercy, we would continually fail him.  All roads of human effort lead to the fiery damnation that is hell, yet Christ keeps us from stumbling.

This does not mean everything will come easy to us.  Surely, we will still be tempted away from God's glory and majesty.  We will still listen to friends who persuade us to do things that are not really pleasing to God.  We will still form cliques in our churches, circumnavigate toward people of like interests/abilities/statuses (etc.) and be tempted to do things that are worldly and self-edifying for the sake of just 'fitting in'.

If anything, Jude is a stark reminder of the righteous judgement that God gives to those who chose the world over him.  His judgement is for all his creation, not just a portion of it.  No one can escape it, not even the angels!

However, because only God deserves the glory, majesty, dominion and authority in the universe, he has provided us with a 'get-out-of-hell card'; a 'Lamb' who John the Baptist witnessed about in John 1:29 'Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'.

Christ took our sin upon himself.  He carried the judgement of God so that we don't have to.  All we must do is contend the faith and persevere.  Remember, that 'through Jesus Christ our Lord', God sees us blameless (despite your natural, world passion-loving sin) and because of Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice, we are made perfect in the eyes of God.

Our sin is forgiven and God's promise of eternal life is given to us not because of the things that WE do but ONLY because of his love for us.  This alone is enough to warrant us to give God the glory, majesty, power and praise, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Persevere, despite temptation! (Jude v17-23)

Source: Jesus is the answer: Lyrics by Michael W. Smith

Jude has been warning us to contend the faith against the ungodly people who have subtly infiltrated our Christian communities making you forget the truth in a world of lies and have risen to the highest positions on the backs of others and how we should forgive them.

He turns now to encouragement. Forcing the readers to remember what they were once taught about the truth and how we should use that truth.

Verse 17-19:
"But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.  They said to you, 'In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.' It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit."

Here, Jude reminds the readers of the teaching they received from the apostles, the reason why they are Christians.  He points out that the ungodly infiltrators were not unexpected and were, in fact predicted when the Gospel was taught.  He reminds them that the apostles taught that these 'scoffers' followed their "own ungodly passions" and, without sugar-coating this in any way, categorically asserts that these false teachers "cause divisions".  They are successful in encouraging good Christian people to turn from their path onto some worldly passion, thereby splitting church communities apart.

Verse 20-23:
"But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.  And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by flesh."

There are two parts to holy living, according to Jude; the spiritual and the practical.  We must have a communion with God the Father (love of God) through Jesus Christ (mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ) and by the Holy Spirit (praying in the Holy Spirit).  The second part is the practical aspect, "have mercy on those who doubt"  we should be patient with those who hear the Gospel, yet begin to doubt it's meaning and message.  "save others by snatching them out of the fire" we must 'fight' false teaching with the truth.  We must pray for those who are persuaded by it, we must teach the gospel truth according to the Scriptures and must have faith that God's Will will prevail. "to others show mercy with fear" we must watch out for our brothers and sisters.  We must show mercy on those who are "stained by flesh" and not judge.  We must hate their sin, but love them.

Our path of holy living is not an easy one, but the instructions are clear.  Our journey will be tainted with "ungodly passions", temptations of worldly enjoyment and better living, but our instructions are clear.  So if our instructions are clear, why then do we listen to the false teachings?  When we have the gospel on our hearts, why do we accept the 'truths' from those who infiltrate our communities?

If anything, Jude has been quite open with what Christian life will be like and has given us ways to identify those who would cause "divisions".  He has shown us that we must be on our guard at all times and not fall into the rut believing the Christian community is a safe haven against sin and Satan.

It is easy to fall-in with a dominating crowd in order to feel like you fit in and this leads to the dangers of false teaching and ungodly passions.

Psychologists will tell you it is perfectly normal and human to be drawn toward people who are like yourself, whether intelligence, interests or of like mannerisms and sense of humour. Or, if your personality is not dominant, you may be drawn to the strongest and most dominant personality or clique (sometimes changing the way you do things in order to fit-in).

Before you know it, you get smaller groups formed within the larger group where very few venture beyond the safety net of their social clique.  Bridges between the cliques rarely form.  If allowed to continue, these social cliques will start enjoying the things they enjoy together, without inviting others from other cliques (and most likely of worldly passions).  This is division!  One body split into several factions of different interests/abilities/beliefs ...

I have seen this in churches all too often.  Congregations split by cliques, and one clique thinking they are better than another or a member of one clique causing problems with another bringing the wrath of the second clique upon the first, leading to a massive 'bust-up' and a church division!

People get hurt. People leave the church for long spells of time (if not the rest of their life!) and in doing so, turn from God.  They have allowed the 'false teaching' of these 'ungodly people' to infiltrate their lives and turn them from God's truth.  The remaining followers of the Gospel truth have forgotten how they should respond - with mercy and prayer, encouraging themselves and others who are victims of this division.  They have not shown mercy to those who are tainted with sin and flesh and so, these victims of false teaching have drifted from God.  But, so have the those who remain.

This doesn't always happen in Christian communities, however  Sure, cliques form (remember that is 'human' according to psychologists!) but something more powerful overrides the inter-clique divisions.  The Gospel!  Teaching the gospel truths, if done properly and continually, will stop any division that is brewing.  The truth in a world of lies is powerful enough to overcome false teaching and infiltrators.

As we will find out next time, Jude reminds us that we must rely on Jesus Christ, our saviour, in order to stand against the ungodly infiltration of our communities and the false teachings of worldly passions.

Christ is the answer to my every need;
Christ is the answer,
he is my friend indeed;
Problems of life my spirit may assail,
With Christ my Saviour, I shall never fail,
For Christ is the answer to my need.
Author: William T. Maltby, copyright: 1945, Salvationist Publishing and Supplies Ltd.

So, persevere, despite temptation!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Forgive them! (Jude v14-16)


Jude has just been telling us what the truth is in a world of lies. He reminded us that the truth, the only truth, is Jesus Christ came to die for whoever believes in him so that they may have eternal life in Heaven.

Now, he turns to emphasizing that the problem with false teachers infiltrating Christian communities is not a new thing when he reminds us about Enoch.

Verse 14:
"It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones ..."

Enoch was the 7th generation following Adam, son of Jared and father of Methuselah (Gen 5:18-21), his prophesy is recorded in the external book, The Book Of Enoch. This is one of the earliest prophesies about Jesus' second coming, coming with all his angels.

Verse 15:
"... to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Jesus will come with his angels "to execute judgement on all and convict the ungodly". Jude wants us to understand that the fate of the false teachers, those that have infiltrated our ranks (so to speak) from verse 4 is set in 'stone'. Every wicked person will be judged in the timing of God's choosing. This is an important point that Jude wants us to know. He calls these wicked people the ungodly 4 times: "the ungodly"; "deeds of ungodliness"; "ungodly way" and "ungodly sinners". Remember these people are evil infiltrators who have subtly made their way into our communities by rising up to the top on the backs of others, without considering others, by sweet-talking those in authority. Jude is categorically stating here (four times!) that this is NOT the godly way and that their nature is, in fact, against God.

Verse 16:
"These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage."

As if being called 'ungodly' was not enough, Jude identifies the type of people he wants his readers not to relate to:

"grumblers and mal-content" - these are similar to the people of Israel in the wilderness, always complaining and grumbling about being in the wilderness, comparing it to their 'luxurious' life in Egypt working as slaves. Grumbling shows a clear sign of ungratefulness, an attitude of 'I deserve so much better that you are giving me', but when times are good, they are the first to cheer, perhaps saying, "I deserve this, I am so good at what I do." Those who are not content with all that they have are always finding fault, never satisfied and always want perfection. Like the grumblers they will complain at the least little thing, but unlike the grumblers, those who are 'mal-content' will complain even in good times. Grumbling and always finding fault is not God's way (remember the ungodly in v15?), they are "following their own sinful desires" they only have one motive in life - their way or no way!

"Loud-mouthed boasters" and "favoritism" refer to people who go out of their way to be heard. They like everybody to know what they do, when they do it and why they do it. They will make themselves known to the people in authority and offer themselves for every opportunity, not allowing others to have a go, they may even put others down to put themselves in the lime light, they definitely like the sound of their own voice!

Why does Jude go on and on about these people? Why does he go out of his way to make sure we know who these people are? Why is it important to be able to recognize them? Can't we just allow them to do their thing and we get on with our own lives and try not to be in their way?

Well, Jude says, "No!" Up to this point, he has been quite clear that these evil infiltrators are ungodly and are only out for themselves (v13). They will stop at nothing to persuade you to follow them.

If you are like me, you will have experienced many like this, perhaps in your workplace or even your church. They have successfully infiltrated everywhere and continuously work to recruit new friends and helpers to their cause, with them as 'absolutely ruler'. They do this in ways that are subtle. Perhaps some friends who were yours first have drifted away when a new person arrives and befriends them, leaving you alone and saddened.

What is the answer? How do we deal with these people?

During the days when Jesus walked the Earth, there were a group who fitted these type of people. They went out of their way to ensure their way of life was superior to all others. They had twisted the rules of their religion and beliefs to make it impossible for anyone else to follow them, so that only they would inherit the great prize. They persecuted those who were not part of their religion. They bore false witness and ganged up on those who stood against them and they looked down upon those they believed were beneath them and not worthy of their god.

Jesus came to radicalize religion, turn it on it's head. It had been twisted for so long, humanity had diluted the law of God for their own gain, none of it was as it was intended originally. It was the perfect time for God to enact his plan from the beginning, his Word becoming flesh. Jesus is the Word and he came to change the way of humanity. He came to put these subtle infiltrators in their place. He came so that people like you and me, can recognize them for what they truly are and believe in the truth. How?

By saying three simple words on the cross ...

"Father, forgive them ..." (Lk 23:34)

We, as Christians, are taught to "forgive those who sin against us!" and here Jesus shows us what to do. We must forgive them for their wickedness against us. We must forgive them for stepping on our backs to reach the top. We must forgive them for taking all the credit for things we have done. We must simply forgive.

Will this make a difference to these people? Will you still get trodden on if you forgive them?

Well, most probably, yes, because they follow their evil natural desires. This is not God's way, this is their way and no other way is important to them, including yours, their wickedness will be punished at judgement. They will be like the Israelite generation who did not enter the promised land and the angels and the Sodomites who disobeyed God and were judged accordingly. They, too, will receive God's wrath directly.

You, however, if you turn to Christ and trust in him completely, then God's wrath has already been appeased for you and your sin, when Jesus said, "Father, forgive them ..." and stretched out his arms and died.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The truth in a world of lies! (Jude v8-13)

Source: (I do not endorse this website, but the image is perfect)

Last time, we were reminded that a loose link to God is not sufficient to guarantee entry into Heaven.  It does not matter what you do or say, if you don't have a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, you won't be given the gift of eternal life and instead, you will receive the eternal punishment that is hell.

In this week's verses, Jude returns to these "certain people [who] have crept in unnoticed" (4) having just given examples of groups who have a link to God (Israelites, Angels and dwellers in the Promise Land) and yet received punishment from God for their wickedness and disobedience.

Verse 8:
"Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones."

The actions of these false teachers is nothing new, in fact it has been around since the Israelites were led out of Egypt.  Despite the punishment that God brought down upon them then, people are still trying to get away with it today.  Following Jude's 3-theme, the three main charges are defiling the flesh, rejecting authority and blaspheming the glorious ones.  They encourage self-pleasures like the Israelites did (v5), reject authority (that is, God) like the Angels did (v6) and blaspheme like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (v7).

 Verse 9:
"But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgement, but said, 'The Lord rebuke you.'"

This refers to a passage in a non-biblical text where Satan was claiming the body of Moses, but the point is, even Michael, among the highest of God's angels did not blaspheme.  He acknowledged God as the only judge.

Verse 10:
"But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively."

These false teachers are outgoing people, who have the power of persuasion.  They ignore things they do not understand passing them off as not important, but will over-emphasize life that is pleasurable, abusing the intoxicating gifts of the natural world.  They persuade others along their journey encouraging them that these practices are only natural and, by definition, must be acceptable to God, because after all, he created nature.  Here Jude aligns these teachers to animals who live on instinct alone.

Verse 11:
"Woe to them!  For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perished in Korah's rebellion."

These false persuaders teach immorality and so show no respect for those they preach to just like Cain had no respect for Abel.  They use people for the sole purpose of getting something out of the deal, they are in it for themselves, in a similar fashion to Balaam who led Israel astray for his personal gain.  They are so full of pride that they believe their way is the only way, Korah did this when he rejected God's authority through Moses believing he was superior.

Verse 12:
"These hidden reefs at your love feasts, as the feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead ..."

These false teachers infiltrate your Christian fellowship without worry or fear, they know what they are looking for and go straight to the horse's mouth (so to speak!).  They will butter-up those in positions of authority for self gain.  They may sugar-coat their plans and ideas with saying the right words, appearing to care for others and that their advancement is the perfect step forward for 'sake of the people', but their own personal plans are at the forefront of their minds.  They are like rain clouds without rain to drop, fruit trees without fruit, their words and gestures are empty and have no feeling or nurturing care for others.  They are 'dead' to both the Spiritual world and the physical word in that they reject God and the caring of others.  They are in it to win!

Verse 13:
"... uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever."

Jude concludes this section with judgement!  This is the true nature of these false teachers, they are people who cause commotion for the sake of causing commotion, bringing attention to themselves.  Their eternity is already reserved for them - Hell.

So, watch out!  Life is difficult enough to contend with but now, Jude is encouraging us to check out our superiors in all walks of life (not just church!).  These people have already infiltrated our Christian communities, our churches, our workplaces and are working hard to move to the top on the backs of others, not caring whether they bring others, or not, with them.

Of course, they don't have to just be our church leaders (although, I have met a few!), some of them teach by example, how they live, always in the limelight, always looking out for that self-glorification, always volunteering for things without giving others a chance.  They know exactly how to advance and who to sweet-talk and when things go their way believe it is all down to them and their effort.

As Christians, we are called to follow God, not our vicar, not our Sunday school teacher, not our boss, but God.  We should test everything we hear against what the Scriptures say and question it if there are discrepancies.  So, instead of listening to a teacher because they speak so eloquently, using long words and well thought-out sermons that are cross-referenced in several highly published commentaries, we need to listen to the teacher who preaches the Word of God.

You see, Jesus came to radicalize the way men and women relate to God.  He chose twelve apostles who lived, walked and learnt from him directly, so they could discover, for themselves, who this Jesus Christ truly was.  Once they had discovered him as the "the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Mt. 16:16), the Word made flesh (John 1:14), they were able to pass this truth onto the the Jews and Gentiles alike (that is, the rest of the world).

So, what's the truth?  Is there something you need to do in order to receive this truth?  Do you need to go on some missionary work?  How will you know that this truth is not me trying to persuade you away from God?

Well, Christ's truth is this.

He left his glory in Heaven and came to Earth for us.

He took God's wrath on his body and he paid the ultimate punishment of our sin - Death!


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

I am set to receive nothing out of this blog.  There is no self-seeking intention here on my part.  I will continue to have faith in my God whether you choose to accept John 3:16 or not.  In fact, there is absolutely nothing you need do to receive God's love, except give your sin to Him - He does ALL the rest!

That's how you know what the truth is!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Hell's no joke! (Jude 5-7)

If there was ever a time when we need a sobering reminder of what awaits the unbeliever, it is now and Jude is not ashamed to give it.  He has just finished saying that "certain people have crept in unnoticed" (v4) and have perverted God's way to suit their own gain and the Devil's plans.

In verse 5 to 7, Jude identifies three groups of people from both Earth's and Heaven's history to substantiate his claim here.

Verse 5:
Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.

He refers to the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt following their 430-year exile from the promised land (Ex 12:33-42).  We see that Jesus led them as "The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night" (Ex 13:21-22).  Not all the Israelites who left Egypt entered the promised land, despite God's saving grace and love for his people, they still sinned and quickly fell into unbelief.  None of the first generation entered the Promised Land, all were killed in the desert, including Moses himself (Deut 34:5).

Verse 6:
And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgement of the great day.

This heavenly example brings home that God's judgement for disobedience is not just for a small portion of his creation, but for ALL his creation, angels included.  This verse is likely referring to the passage in early Earth history in Genesis 6:1-4, where the "sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them".  This was pre-flood era, before Noah and before humanity's second chance.  Even the angels of God are punished if they are sinful.

Verse 7:
... just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal life.

Sodom and Gomorrah, infamous cities (and the surrounding cities) were destroyed completely by God as a result of their sexual immorality (Gen 19:23-29).  These cities were in the Promised Land and yet were destroyed for disobedience.

Here's the thing ...

A casual link to God's people is not a guarantee of heaven and eternal life!  Sure there are examples in the bible where people who were not part of God's people were saved by God, but they blessed Abraham and so God returned in likeness, according to his covenant with Abraham.

Even if you go to church every Sunday (or more often if you do!), regularly give to the poor, keep the ten commandments, give a tenth of all you earn to the church, become a vicar or even go, live and work in the promised land, none of this is a guarantee of Heaven.

Think of it this way ...

If the sinful and disobedient Israelites, who were God's chosen people, who he, himself, rescued out of the hands of the Egyptians, all met their deaths in the desert because of their disobedience, or, if the disobedient heavenly angels are "kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgement of the great day", or, if cities actually WITHIN the promised land are destroyed completely along with the surrounding cities in the valley because of their sexual immorality and disobedience, what chance do we have of entering heaven if we just have a 'casual' link to God and his people?

If anything, these verses are a stark reminder that hell is real and eternal and like the sinful Israelites, the disobedient angels and the amorous Sodomites, we all fail to live up to God's standards.  We are all destined for hell!

What's the point then?  Why bother about faith, about God, about how we live? If we are destined for the eternal punishment of hell, what can we do?

Jude gives us the answer to that as well in verse 5, "Jesus, who saved a people".  Jesus was there in the wilderness with the sinful Israelites, actively saving his chosen people out of Egypt.  He is here today doing exactly the same.  Christ alone saves.  Nothing else comes close.  If you put your trust in some worldly concept, money, science, education none of it will help you.

He has promised that whoever turns toward him and trusts completely in his saving grace, they will enter Heaven with him (John 3:16).

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Contend the Faith! (Jude 3-4)

Jude verses 3 and 4 are extremely important in his letter to the early Christians.  Here we find the reason FOR the letter and the challenge Jude wants his readers to experience because holding firm to our faith will be rewarded.

"I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith".  Jude wants his readers to ensure they focus all their efforts and energy on maintaining their faith.  He wants them to remember and focus on the 'once for all' saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Why is Jude being so forward?

Verse 4 explains where Jude is coming from.  Here he points out the problem the early churchgoers were facing without them realising: false teachers.  Even then, a mere few decades after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there were some who weaved themselves into the fellowship of believers and caused problems, creating arguments, disjointed beliefs and eventually a split in the church fellowship.

"For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." (v4 ESV)

Isn't it amazing that even before this very letter, Jude refers to these 'certain people' having been around along time before the early Christians.  These people are those who act as friends.  Come over all too friendly with everyone, they may be extrovert people with a finger in every pie/event/activity/office of the church, and go out of their way to befriend those with some sort of authority (for self-purposes), perhaps even making a big song and dance about their friendship.  The minute your back is turned, WHAM!  They cause problems (subtly, of course, in the background).  They infiltrate even the closest church fellowship.  I have been in many churches where it is clear who truly ran the place.  Whole families leaving the church because another family refused to do something or said something else or (as our passage alludes) were 'ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master'.

I have been at the end of a few challenging infiltrators, myself.  I am sure you have.  These infiltrators are everywhere, in almost every church and their sole purpose is to "pervert the grace of God".

"A little isn't going to harm you."
"Your first time won't make a difference, you won't get hooked that quickly!"
"Go on, it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission!"
"God made these things and wants you to enjoy them, why else would he make them?"
"You don't really need to pray or read your bible, or even attend church regularly, God still loves you no matter what."
"You can miss one week, can't you?"

Really?  Is this what you hear? Or perhaps a variation of them.  The questions and sayings are endless.  Jude knows this and the damage that each phrase can cause to a fellowship of believers, sadly, so does Satan and he will exploit them at every opportunity.

However, something far more powerful is the truth of the Gospel found in verse 3 ...

"I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints."

What was 'delivered to the saints'?  God's revelation through Jesus Christ!

The Gospel has the power to help us 'contend for the faith' through the blood of Jesus when he died 'once for all' to forgive our sin and reunite us to God.  If you focus on that truth then you will 'contend your faith', that is, resist temptation to 'deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ'.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Just Believe! (Jude 1-2)

"1:Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: 2:May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you." (ESV)

This is a simple greeting and opener to Jude's letter.  We are not privy to whom the letter is for except, "To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ" which refers to Christians who chose to follow Jesus Christ as their saviour.  The introduction here in verse 1 and 2 finish with a prayer for spiritual growth.  Notice how Jude uses a three-word phrase in verse 2, "mercy, peace, love" which reflects the three-word phrase in verse 1 "called, beloved, kept", this immediately reminds the read that:

God's call brings mercy,
God's love surrounds his people,
God's keeping power brings peace. [1]

This is a clever and encouraging introduction to his letter.

Jude introduces himself as "a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James".  This 'James' is the blood-brother of Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph.  Historical documents would also put Jude (or Judas in Greek) as Mary and Joseph's youngest son and so was also the blood-brother of Jesus, which means, he is choosing to play down his familial relationship with Jesus Christ, by only calling himself a, "servant".  Why would he do this?  What benefit does he have in doing this?

Jude is immediately pointing out that Jesus Christ is God incarnate.  As such, he is not presuming that he, despite being his earthly brother of the same mother, is equal to Jesus in anyway.  He is declaring his humility before Christ.  He is, in doing this, being an example to those he writes his letter.

As we progress through Jude, we will find the main topic of the letter is about false teaching, Jude is pointing out, first and foremost, how the early Christians should be living - humble before Christ the God incarnate.

He goes a step further, by granting the reader his familial right to be the brother of Jesus "beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ".  He is encouraging the early Christians that they have the right to be called 'children of God' through the death and resurrection of Jesus although they do not deserve it.

This is immensely powerful and encouraging to us today.  Jude, who has an actual right to call himself 'brother of Jesus Christ' is saying, "No! I'm not worthy to be called his brother just because we have the same mother, I'm his servant.  Being a blood brother is not important.  Being resurrected with Christ is much more important.  You who believe in Christ, have that right through his blood.  This is the Gospel privilege."

So, take heart.  Be encouraged. You need not do anything. Christ has done it for you.  Just believe!

[1] New Bible Commentary - IVP